Frequently Asked Questions
If you can’t find the answer you are looking for here, please contact the program coordinators at 800-762-1641.
It’s easy, just click here to complete the form and then hit submit.
You can submit up to ten items of publicity every month, earning 1,000 points per promotion, for a maximum of 10,000 points.
Click on the School Program link on our website, click on the Participating Centers and choose the mall or shopping center your school participates in and you will see your school’s points.
Each school that participates and meets the minimum point requirement must be present at the Final Awards Ceremony in order to receive the award.
Email your publicity points each month to
Your school must earn a minimum point value in order to receive a check at the Final Awards Ceremony.
Distribute the flyers provided to your school. Create publicity opportunities each month that promote the program throughout your school and provide examples of each effort to receive up to 10,000 publicity points (per month).
No they are not, receipts can be submitted online at Simply take a photo or scan your receipts on your mobile device or computer, select your school’s program and complete the online form. If your school would like to create a drop box at your school that parents can drop their receipts in, you may do that and also receive 1,000 publicity points each month that it is up.
No! It is not a receipt drive, receipts in groups of time and date will be tossed out and your school will be subject to removal of the program for rules violation.
Yes, simply link the School Program home page to your website.
This video should explain everything:
If you still have questions, please feel free to email us at